Nearly every organization has some type of system for training their employees. It may be on the job training for new employees, or there may be a mix of hands-on, classroom, and self-training. If you're in a regulated industry, you will need to create employee training plans, and ensure that the training is administered and well-documented.
Compile a list of the training courses
(Course Catalog).
Your first step in developing training plans is to compile
a list of training courses. You will have company-wide training
such as New Hire Orientation, as well as job-specific training
for an employee's specific duties. While there may not be
a formal course for every subject, be sure to add each training
subject to your list which will become your Course Catalog.
If you have been tracking completed training in spreadsheets
or file cabinets, you can go through these records to find
the subjects which are still current and require on-going
training in your organization. In addition, identify the
training required for internal Procedures as well as Company
Goals and Industry Regulations. As you develop your list,
gather related documents and procedures for each course.
Identify who requires training for
each of the courses.
For each of the courses in your list, identify which Groups,
Job Roles, or Individuals require training. Whenever possible,
assign the required training by Personnel Group or Job Role
rather than one-off individual requirements. Consider documenting
new Job Roles if needed so that you can manage the training
at a higher level and maintain the requirements more easily
as personnel move in and out of various roles in the organization.
Keep in mind that an individual may have many "Job Roles",
even though they likely have only one official "Job Title"
within the organization. Also make note of any exceptions
for personnel who may be exempt from training in certain
areas, even though they may be in a Group which requires
the training otherwise.
Determine the criteria for initial
training and re-training if needed.
Remember that your goal is to set up Training Plans for
your organization as a whole. This is a training plan which
may evolve some throughout the year, but should be developed
as a standard for the coming years - not a one-time plan
to catch up on training. With this in mind, you will need
to document whether re-training is required, and if so whether
it is required based on Date or content changes such as
Document Version updates. For example, you may have training
which expires and requires re-training "Every 2 Years",
or you may need to re-train only when the process changes
such as a change to a Standard Operating Procedure.
Enter the data into your system
Finally, compile this data into your training system. If
you are using Kaizen Software's Training Manager software,
you can set up your required training on the Assignments
tab as described in the
User Guide and in this
For training which expires over time, be sure to include the previous completed training history in your system so that the next training due date can be determined.
Perform a gap analysis to determine
training needs.
After all that work, it's time to identify and eliminate
Training Gaps (Required vs. Completed Training). In Training
Manager, you can do this by running the "Overdue and Upcoming
Status" report. Choose the "Summary" option to help prioritize,
and set the "Group By" option to Personnel Group, Supervisor,
or Trainer as needed. You can email the "Detail" report
to the leaders in each area to begin scheduling training
for their personnel to fill in the gaps and
be prepared for a
training records audit .